Saturday, February 25, 2012

Personal bladybla

I can't really post this on Facebook, because there are people that I don't like on there, and plus I've been complaining quite a bit in my statuses, but...


Every week or so, I have a massive internal meltdown because of it. This time it was because of the Common Ground Fair.
I think that it's because that besides Vermont (which I'm tired of) and New York (which I miss quite a bit as well, but it's only 2 hours away, so...), Maine is one of the only places where, though we haven't lived there for many years, feels very much like home.

And, so, there, yes. I believe I shall now drown my sorrows in tea, knitting and Harry Potter books on tape.


  1. great, thanks, I'll just go cry now! Well, good plan for the drowning of sorrows, anyway.

    1. Cryin' in the corner, eh? Mind if I join you? XD

  2. XD......XO....X( that translates to something like...haha!...ha....oooh......boohooo
    ah well. someday when we have less protective mothers and thousands of dollars, we gonna do this thing! whatever it is at the time, whether it be cycling around England or doing the stephen fry roadtrip!
