Thursday, February 23, 2012

History and Loathing of this century.

I must be bold, though rather monotonous and say how much I despise this century already. We aren't even 12 years into it and I'm already wishing with all my soul for a time machine.
Not even as far back as the 90's, we were free from the clutches of the world wide web and of major technology (mostly, at least.) When we got lost from our friends in a mall or parking garage, we couldn't just whip out our iPhones and call them. (And of course, being only 18 years of age, I use the term "we" in reference to people in general, not myself personally.) Children played with jump ropes, board games, chalk, imagination, dolls...Not with web games and iPhone apps.
Going back farther, there is more need of things like the postal service and telegrams. It was necessary for people to learn skills such as farming, sewing, proper writing, knitting, manners, forging, weaving, mechanics, different languages...Things that we have either disregarded or have intrusted to other people. The things that we needed in order to survive are now merely considered "hobbies" and weird ones at that. (Even with all of the knitting revival, I've gotten some disbelieving comments on the fact that I knit. Which makes me weep bitterly in disgust.)

For most of my life I've been taught skills that most school children would never learn. Such as herbal healing, farming, wilderness/urban survival, ect, by my mother. Now that I am of an age to pursue knowledge with more of a passion, I have been learning so many of the skills that have been dropped by this and several generations previous. Even seemingly useless skills (embroidery, for example) are just another connection to history.

And on a note, as I have seen many a comment about this by ignorant people: I do not romanticize history. I know that it was bloody, and harsh. That people died from things that could easily be remedied nowadays. That the majority of people were racist, sexist, close minded, superstitious and the majority were rather stupid. But I honestly don't care. People try to compare the "idiots of the past" to the "progress" that we have made as a people, but that's a lie, isn't it? We are still racist, sexist, close minded, superstitious and stupid. The only thing that has changed is that we have gotten fatter. (That's not to say that there hasn't been a fair amount of progress. But the fact remains that humans don't change. So I'll take the tight corsets, long trips to get across the state, famine, and hard work, thank you very much.


  1. OOOH! Good one! Of course I assumed that you knew yet another amazing word, and googled "lothing." Although I presume you meant loathing, there is a lake by that name in......ENGLAAAAAND! So feel proud that you have unwittingly stumbled upon the word.
    Anyway, right, the brilliant post.
    Wow, 12 years only? It sometimes scares me that I have only a vague idea of how things like the telephone and the www work!
    goodness, old fashioned children. We do sound like grannies, don't we.
    The postal service is amazing! and telegraphs!
    Don't you hate that ".....knitting?" look? people think it's so durned easy, but 'tain't!
    all these connections to the past through doing stuff are so wonderful. it is true that if you're told you have to do something (like learn, for example) it makes you immediately shy away from it.
    feel free to borrow my wild donkey for those across-state trips.
    if we were only given 30 years or so to live...dude, we'd get SO much done.

    1. Ah, yeah, oops! >.< I'll have to fix that.
      Yay! Random finding of English things! :D

      Oh gods, yes. Apparently some people just don't get WHY we're knitting, I think that they thing that its some archaic (isn't that a gorgeous word?) and old fashioned thing to do, like, that only old ladies do it. *throws a fit worthy of Sherlock*

    2. Exactly! ha, wish I could've seen that fit :D
      *goes and looks up archaic* coool!
