Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Making knitting patterns...

Lately, I've been trying to write some of my own knitting patterns, since I can't find the ones that I need for specific designs. As it turns out....this is not as easy as people make it out to be. Or maybe I'm just stupid.
Anyway, so far I've designed a yarnbomb colourwork with words on it, a medic colourwork swatch, and some short fingerless gloves for a costume. Only one of these things worked out fairly well. Currently, I'm working on a revised version of the fingerless gloves, which I have had to rip all the stitches out of previously. This version doesn't seem to be working out too well, either.

This (and similar experiences) has lead me to think about self confidence in regards to projects. It seems that every time I go into a project thinking that it will mess up, it invariably does. Though, sometimes it still messes up, even if one is confidant the whole way through.

So, I suppose the lesson of this post thingy is:
"If at first you do not succeed, try again. And again. And again. And again. And again. and if you still do not succeed, throw your knitting across the room and pout."


  1. HA! great post! exactly! try and try again! It is at least half about attitude, isn't it. All the walls I run into tend to be mind ones.
    One of us NEEDS to make those hot pink fingerless gloves Rose wore in that fateful scene on the beach (no, it shall not be mentioned! or else massive crying will without doubt ensue!)
    It can suck to figure out how many stitches you'll need if it's a serious project.....well, I just admire your stick-to-it-iveness in even making the things in the first place. ONWARD, to more knitting adventures!

    1. I found a pattern for them on Ravelry, if you don't feel like figuring them out. They look kinda complicated. The episode that shall not be named. Oh dear.
      Oh god yes. I don't know how people do it. *deskhead*
      Onward, my dear Watson! The game is afoot!

  2. YAAAAAY! i just realised the other day that the parallel line in the show is "the Game, Mrs. Hudson, is on!" ha! *gets all happy*
    that deskhead image is very amusing.
    pattern! cool! You should make 'em.
