Thursday, March 15, 2012

Era: A history lovers alternitive to Seventeen

Every time I read Seventeen magazine (which isn't often, of late) I always with that there was a magazine very much like that, but for people who like history. It's hard to describe if you don't read Seventeen.
So rather than "hot, trendy" hairstyles, one could have "1950's pinup girl" or "1700's french pompadour" tutorials. Or how to use things like lemon to add gold highlights to ones hair or using rice water on ones face to get a pale, smooth complexion (as they did in Japan). Or rather than the latest fashions, have "the latest fashions from paris-1882" or "what the queen wore". And maybe...even tutorials on how to make things or on housekeeping or headlines or news from certain time periods.
The idea works so well in my head, but it's really hard to put into words.


  1. you've painted such a wonderful picture of what this magazine would be like that i'm drooling excessively down my front. It's...such...a good idea! Yes! yes!

    1. XD Yay! Well, as long as it's semi understandable.
