Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Word of the day

Asexual (adj): Without sex or sexuality in particular. (without sexual feelings or associations) The example in the dictionary is this: "she rested her hand on the back of his head, in a maternal, wholly asexual, gesture."

Now, let me explain why I like this word (or idea) in particular (and try not to offend anyone).
As whoever allows me to speak long enough to start talking about TV and/or character relationships knows that take issue with people making a HUGE deal about physical contact between characters of opposite sex. Take Bones, for example: Any time that Bones and Booth made any kind of physical contact (hugging, holding hands, the occasional kiss on the cheek) the camera zooms in or the characters themselves say something as if the event was strongly significant. Mind you, I'm sure that the film makers were just trying to draw attention the apparent sexual tension and feelings.
Now, then, take Doctor Who: The Doctor and Rose are together through two regenerations and are extremely close, but not like that. Any time they hug or hold hands (which is rather often) or even kiss, there is no huge focus, it's just a thing that happens, whether for comfort after a frightening encounter or simply showing affection for one another. It's the same with Donna Noble, 10's third companion. They were simply best friends, nothing more.

Anyway, I just really like the idea that two people of the opposite sex can make physical contact and be affectionate without any romantic or sexual expectations.

(And, by the way, this is an extremely difficult thing to write into stories.)

Monday, May 7, 2012

Inspirational Videos

I wanted to share some great videos one reader.
Here they are:

  • Don't break the chain - Charlieissocoollike A very nice video with a great method for keeping consistent.
  • Invocation for Beginnings The first video of Ze Frank's new vlog, it's very inspirational and amazing. It's advisable to watch all the others as well. 
  • Life in a Day-Alex Day The part is actually at 3:11, but the whole video is funny. I like the idea of regulating certain negative habits, especially using something simple like a bracelet.
I might do some more of these posts in the future.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Like a mad scientist! MWAHAHA!

If there is a goal you want to accomplish - go after with a vengeance.

I always complain about not being good at things and now as part of my whole "You've had 18 years to figure yourself out, how the hell did you fail?! We're changing this now!" thing I'm going to get better at them. They're just basic things, like:
  • Drawing
  • Writing
  • Sewing
  • Social skills
Which will be kinda frustrating, but fun!
I'm going to be using the "Don't break the chain" method thingy, which I will post about next.

Word of the day

Anachronism (noun) A thing belonging or appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists, esp. a thing that is conspicuously old fashioned. -or- an act of attributing a custom, event or object to a period to which it does not belong.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Word of the Day

Imbricate (v / adj): Arrange (scales, etc) so that they overlap like roof tiles.