Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Personal writing assignment #1

Kinda like the writing prompts, this is just recording my thoughts/ideas, but hey, if anyone else wants to do it, carry on.
Mostly for fanfiction at the moment, but I want to progress into original writing.

Pick out a scene or a gif or still from a show (I'm using Supernatural, of course) In which the character's emotion/reaction/etc is understood, then watch their face. Gifs are good if you know the show really well and can tell from a glance what scene it's from, since they repeat and you don't have to keep rewinding.
Once you've watched them for a second, set to describing their expression.
It's pretty much like sketching an expression, but with words. get what I'm saying, right?

In any case, it'll help with writing. Especially fanfiction and screen writing.


    This is really smart. Emotions are so difficult to describe in writing, especially if you're trying to avoid direct words like "confused," "worried," etc, which can start to sound really dry after a while.
    What a great way to submerge a reader into the writing!

    1. Even though it's...kinda hard... it *is* really fun! And yeah, I rather use sentences like: "His/her brow furrowed in confusion" and "he/she chewed on his/her lip in a worried fashion" than "he/she looked confused/worried."

    2. Exactly. Roundabout ways are good. It's always nice to find new ways of saying things, that people haven't ever heard before. People always say "write how you'd talk" but I really think we need to get people used to new sayings, phrases, what have you. After all, language isn't supposed to stay the same, it's supposed to change and grow, like it always has! Using the same expressions over and over won't help it do that. most especially in today's world when there is SO MUCH being said. It's better to take a chance and stand apart from the crowd a bit.
