Saturday, August 4, 2012

Book: 101 Things I learned in film school

I went to the library yesterday and found (well, my mum found) this awesome book. It's called 101 Things I learned in film school by Neil Landau with Matthew Frederick. And it's AMAZING. (I stayed up rather late last night reading it) Let me tell you why.
Most books about film making that I've read are overly detailed, very advanced, or obscure in their references. Not that that isn't a good thing, it's perfectly fine if you're completely immersed in film culture. This book, however, gives very plain and simple suggestions and tips. Ranging from camera angles, to timelines, to how to pitch your script to a filmmaker. Along with the, at most, two paragraph pages, are drawing examples which are really helpful (who says drawings are just for kids?). Another thing I love is that it doesn't take the art too seriously.
Anyway, it's a very good book for those just starting out their interest in film making, as well as those who are deep into the art. Parts of it could also be good for novel writers.

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