Friday, January 20, 2012

Things I want to make:

As stated above, there are many things I really want to make (apart from all of my designs) and I figure that I'd just list them here.

*18th Century stays
*A Victorian dress
*A Sherlock Holmes coat (though, a tad more feminine)
*A long sleeved medieval dress
*A traditional 1950's housewife dress
*A piratey, Jack Sparrow type coat.

And all of these things I have no idea would look like (meaning that I have not drawn them out in obsessive detail with colour notes and examples), which is kind of fun. :D


  1. AWESOME! yay, discovering and planning and stuff!

  2. a REDINGOT! (Riding coat XD) yes! make one of those!!!!!!

  3. it says on here "Please prove you're not a robot."
    I'm not a robot. I'm a cyberman.
